Packing Up

May 10, 2020

We have set a date to drive back to Wisconsin. My dad bought a car from Auntie Rosemary’s friend and I will be able to use it while I am home. Dad was going to fly out here and we would have drove home with it, but with the virus that did not happen. So, the Aunties stepped in and said they would do a road trip with me. They usually head to Wisconsin during the summer, so it is just a little earlier. I am thankful.

We will go thru the Grand Tetons, the park is closed but we will drive on the nearest open highway. We will head to Montana where my girl, Stef, who I discipled in Chicago years ago, lives with her family. The AWANA kids from her church have supported me financially and with prayer so I will share a few minutes in church. (Her church’s first Sunday back is tomorrow!)

Hopefully, by Tuesday the 19th we will roll into HOME. I have a meeting with someone to help me make a video about the past term on the 20th so I really hope we will not have any unexpected stops!

I met with some people interested in what has been going on in Tamale this week on Zoom. Did you know I am a few miles away from Zoom’s headquarters, not to mention Netflix, Google, Ebay, and Apple? Silicon Valley is right here!

Need to start thinking of snacks for the trip, finding hotels along the way, getting good podcasts and music to listen to, and packing up another suitcase.

So So So So thankful for this time here. Thanks for praying!