So, I lived and worked in Accra for 11 years. During those years, I was asked by a church member, Richie, to lead a fitness club. We met on Saturday mornings for prayer and then exercise. At one point we had 30 people coming. It was one of those things I never thought I would do, but really enjoyed doing it. Richie and Sasu, another leader, and I, would sometimes go and visit church members afterwards. I thought that was one of the most special times I had with people.
Well, Mr. Richie just got married last week!!! I went down for the wedding. It was a great celebration. I did not know the bride but she is a solid, Christian woman and I hope together they will love and serve the Lord.
In Accra, they do a traditional wedding, they call it the engagement. Then, they do a church wedding.
Enjoy the pics!!