I had a fantastic weekend. This past week Vronny was passing thru Tamale and stayed at my house. Unfortunately, the power was out in the day and all night. She found a mat and slept outside. I felt so bad but the breeze in the back of the house was enough for her (she’s a trooper!!). In the morning, over breakfast, I shared about the difficulties with the light and water and she was like, “you should come to Gushegu. We have both!” We laughed because Tamale is a big city, where you’d think we would also have those things, and Gushegu is a village. As she left, I was thinking I do need to get away and recharge. I talked to my team leader and got permission to run away, “to a place where I have friends with light and water.”
Gushegu is a couple hours away from Tamale. I stayed there back in 2018 and 2019 to work on my Dagbani. There are Frontier missionaries working there. One, Vronny, who I mentioned, is from Switzerland. She is a nurse and her primary job is serving at a Nutrition Center. It is a great outreach in the community. The other is the Boon family from the Netherlands. They are also doing health work and Dr. Gerbon hopes to establish a maternity clinic serving women. They stay on a compound together in different houses. Usually, they have short termers coming to help for a few months and while I was there I met Martina, from Holland, who is helping at the Gushegu hospital.
I was/always is treated so well. I got to rest, I had meals prepared for me, times of prayer, times to sit and chill. I took a nap. I read a book. Gerbon and Dorien had a third baby boy boy in Holland and they planned a naming ceremony in Gushegu. (side note: would anyone want to come and help Dorien with homeschooling and taking care of the kids?! She would love you for it!) It is normal for all Dagban children to have a naming ceremony and then a celebration follows. Because of COVID, they decided to just do a naming ceremony at church and hand out packs of food and drink afterwards. The Dagbani name they gave their child, named Aron, is Timalma. It means we have an answer, or he will solve…or something like that 😊 It would be compared to a dedication service in our churches. It was lovely. I was so glad to celebrate with them.
If you could get a close up, Dorien made cinnabuns that looked and tasted bake-shop-quality! What a nice little morning break in the shade of the mango tree (where one of the kids was playing).
Pastor dedicating Aron.
The man of the hour.
Gushegu Girls
If you would like more info on the medical work of the Boons check out their site. It’s in Dutch, but if you wanted to contact them you could.