The driving distance between Accra and Tamale is 618.22 km or 384 miles. I flew down to Accra in November to help and be a part of SIM Ghana's 60th anniversary of working in Ghana. The flight takes about an hour. So fast, so wonderful. The drive on the other hand...though a measly, 384 does not go so fast. BUT I have to say Ghana has much improved in the roads since I came in 2005. Instead of long patches of bad, potholed, dusty roads they are now short and fewer patches. This time driving back I was with a colleague so I had someone to talk with and I didn't have to drive the whole 10 hours. Yes, it takes about 10 hours. Sooooo, since I did not have to drive the whole time I was able to take some pics as we went along. Enjoy!
And then we got back to Tamale! Safety is not something we take for granted on these roads. Sometimes the police like to stop us or they have radar guns or they just want a little "sumthin'-sumthin'". We pray before we start the journey and we praise God for however far we made it that day. We even have others praying the day before we travel. It is not something to take lightly when you hear of all the road accidents and people who have died. I know one gal from the church who lost her uncle, aunt and two cousins in an accident.Thanks for praying for me! Thankfully I don't have any travel plans in the future but even in Tamale I still would like prayer as I drive my car or sit in yellow-yellows or taxis.