Holiday July 2017

A real vacation. Here they call it holiday. A time where I can not practice, speak or learn Dagbani and not feel guilty. (sigh) Beautiful. Though, I did leave my roomie in Tamale.
On Sunday (there's more???), I visited a church with a missionary I met a few years ago. It was different from the Good News Churches that I am used to. It was an Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Very nice, just way more formal than I am used to. After church we met up with a friend of his and went out for lunch. They had Fufu and I had Banku. Again, it is amazing how food keeps finding me :)That night I went Salsa dancing and met up with old friends. It was a great birthday weekend.AND ONE MORE THING!!!-- I know how can it get any better???!!! ( I feel like I sound like an infomercial ha ha ha) For my big birthday, my family has bought me a big present. They have given me a free plane ticket to come home at Christmas!!! Even as I think about it, I tear up! I just am overwhelmed at the idea of coming home to be with family at that time. Of course, I was told I need to pass level 2 language before I come!! Eiii!!! What motivation though!Anyways, such a fun time this weekend and past week! But I am so tired! My stomach is so heavy! My heart is so full!I have a few more days to chill before heading back to Tamale. I am so thankful for this holiday time. I didn't know how much I needed it until I got down here.Praising the Lord for restoring my soul... Love you! Thanks for praying.