It was one of those weeks where it is Tuesday and you really think it should be Thursday.Yes...(sigh) do I need to say it...again?...l.a.n.g.u.a.g.e. I just don't know why my mouth and brain do not work together at the same time to accomplish this task. (sigh)On Thursday, usually Pastor Andrew (PA) does not meet with me for a lesson, so I wanted to call and confirm that. He was running all over town. He was organizing a team coming in to help paint some buildings, his baby's naming ceremony that was happening on the weekend had a list of things needing to be done, meetings with a group of men, and his own office duties. I was like, "dude, you.are.crazy." He told me he was starting to paint to get things started when this team from the US come. I said I am coming over.One-- coming over to help. Two-- deep down it was so I wouldn't have to do language! You know, how you do everything except what you are supposed to be doing???? Yeah, that was me. (ugh)I painted on Thursday and then Friday Damary joined me. By the end of Friday I was ready to start Dagbani again. My hands were cramping and the paint thinner was making my hand burn. (whine-whine-whine) Anyways, painting is finished for me and I will get back to the language tomorrow...with joy! Well, I will get back to the language anyways :)
I am already trying to map out my week and figure out where I will go and who I will talk to. But that really is not the big problem. The big problem is talking!! I need to be talking where ever I go. Please be praying!Love you.