Just One Hour

I don't want to tell you what I did this week.It did not go as I planned. I planned to be going out, listening to my recordings, and have Dagbani lessons and be all excited. I started. Then, well...I don't know. I couldn't stand it. I was listening to my recording and it felt like forever I was listening to it...I checked my clock--I was listening for 4 minutes! Funny...but not funny. (sigh)I did not lay around and sleep or watch movies. There are always things to do around here like, even just living takes work. I pretty much did every possible thing on my to-do list. I emailed, I made myself a budget!, I figured out healthy meal plans, I visited some friends, I exercised, I organized my Dagbani stuff, I fixed all the light bulbs and bought new ones, went to market (several times), tried to keep up on all the dust (I am not winning on that one), prayed with people on the phone, visited a friend at a school---INTERMISSION WITH AN AMAZING FIND!!Two people, recently, randomly, told me that at a school they have a meat department and you can get pork chops, sausages, ground beef (for the most part I grind my own, a very sweaty process) and other cuts of meat. So, since I had to drop something off for a friend at the school I decided to check it out. Damary and Yvonne came with me as well. You guys, this place was legit!! It wasn't all fancy like a butchery shop in a supermarket store but it was close. The guy talking with us is a meat scientist (never knew that was a thing) and he told us they have farms around and they bring animals and cut them up and sell the meat or freeze it. I know Zaina Lodge, that place we stayed at in Mole Park to see the elephants, gets their meat from this place. It was so awesome. I got pork chops (pork chops people!!!), beef/pork sausages, and ground beef. I could get filet and roasts too. It was heaven for me to know this place is around Tamale!!
OK BACK TO OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM--  cooked a lot of food, had dinner with teammates, and tried not to feel guilty leaving my Dagbani alone. But, usually the guilt would come before I slept. I would then tell myself, "Ok, tomorrow is a new day. You can do this!" (sigh)Later in the week, I woke up with the mosques call to prayer and I laid in my bed and I heard that still small voice. Those words that are not quite words but in your chest you know it is from the Lord. It was so gentle. He said, "Just one hour". Over and over I sensed Him saying "Just one hour". I woke up. On my to-do list for the day I put "one hour of Dagbani". I did my quiet time. I ran to town for something. I cooked something. The househelper came over. Other people came over. Then they all left. I took my recordings and listened to them for one hour. It was not a burden. I even listened longer as I prepared vegetables and did kitchen-y things. It was a joy.It is always a joy to obey the Lord. I don't know how He does that. It is just if I want to let my attitude go there and trust that. His kindness brings us to repentance. I felt such love and mercy from the Lord. I told Baaba, on the phone a few days previous, that I need a good kick in the pants to get me going. But the Lord used gentleness and mercy. How can He be so patient with me? I will never forget Him using this to show me this side of Himself. Psalm 145:8- The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. I also thought about the verse from Romans 12:12- Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. I had two different people this week tell me to find joy in language. Sounds easier said than done. But I will try.To be honest, I do not know what my attitude will be like tomorrow morning. I actually have lots to do and people to meet with. I am not sure I will have time for a lesson. But I will remember the gentleness of my God. And that helps me to make me want to do what He wants. When I think about that, I smile. There is joy. It may be hiding under my ridiculous-ness, but it is there, ready to be unleashed.Cyst update-- my wound opened up. I know I said last week I was good to go, but Andrea looked at it again and said that the thin new skin that grew on it tore. It is just not getting "dry time". But, it is not infected and Andrea really was not concerned so that makes me not worry and just continue to wait and pray for full healing.Love you. Thanks for praying!