I had a nice to do list every day this week. One thing was to call our electrician, plumber, and tailor for various work. I called every day and on Thursday the electrician and tailor came. We are still waiting on the plumber. He tells me everyday he will come. It is not a serious problem but I can’t get him crossed off my list and so that is MY problem :)
I arrived in Gushegu yesterday. Thankfully, the house had light and water. It was dusty but today a woman was able to come and clean. A little boy that Fela and Puii know well has come over and has done some errands for me, helped me arrange things, and has kept me company.
I had my oil changed before I left for Gushegu. As I was waiting, I had time to think. I went over this past week. I was tempted in so many ways. I wanted to give in to empty thoughts or actions that would make me happy, even though, only temporary. However, for some reason, ok, I know the reason, GOD’s GRACE and the prayers of his people, I said no, or sometimes I just cried out, or ignored them, or just kept reminding myself how I would feel afterwards if I gave in.
As I was sitting, I was thinking of heading to Gushegu. I had some feelings of trepidation. I know that is from the enemy. “I will not fear, God is with me” is on loop in my mind :) Then I thought about all these temptations bombarding me and how God’s power was so alive and active and He got me thru it—really, by God’s power only.
It dawned on me that evil does not want me to go to Gushegu. Evil does not want me to find joy in hardship. Evil does not want me praising God in the midst of trials and language learning. Evil does not want me to continue this and keeps throwing fiery arrows at me to disable me. He knows if I fall for his lies there would be a weight of condemnation and guilt that would encircle me and that would distract me from language and loving the people around me.
I prayed often for my spiritual armor and God put it on me so that I would resist and stand firm. Amazing to see I am standing firm!! Really amazing to look back on the week and see it.
Yet, just because I am here in Gushegu does not mean I am all finished with the enemy. I will hold on to my Jesus. Psalm 34 has been really powerful to help me remember and make me smile.
I am so thankful God has done all that I could not do. I am thankful for the Spirit to open my eyes to the battle that is around me. I am thankful that I can continue protected and holding on to His promises!
What a good God we have!!
Keep praying!
The inside of the home I'm staying at.