There is always something. Everyday I come home and add a funny or incredible experience to my journal.
-- one boy, who has known me from before when I would visit Gushegu, said, "Auntie Sherri, yesterday your hair looked nice but today it is not nice."
--learning how to say "my father only has one wife".
--an 8 year old kid circling me, unsure if he should come close or not, as if I am some rabid dog. Anytime I would make a move he would jump.
--Agreeing to marry a man who then asked me to get him a tractor. I can see true love is in the air.
--the word for smell is hear. So my nose can hear things!
--A shop that sells gasoline started on fire. Huge fire but was contained and no one was injured.
--Buying food items so my new friends can cook fufu for me!
--Getting asked why I am walking because the sun is hot.
--Sitting in a round room with a widow who has so little, trying to figure out what she is saying but almost not caring because I could sense the Spirit in that place.
--Meeting new women and going back the next day and one of them not recognizing me because I was not wearing a hat. (I'm the only white person in her area!)
--Being thankful on Ghana's Independence Day that this country I work in is peaceful.
--Little boys jumping over my wall to climb trees.
--Sitting with neighbourhood women and catching random sayings.
--Finding a response to, "Will you marry me?" is, "What will you cook for me?" It is a taboo for men to cook.
--I can handle killing mice and cockroaches, though, have realized I would rather deal with the mice.
--Chickpea flour pancakes are not so good but cassava flour pancakes are good. But what is even better are pancakes made with only a banana and two eggs!
--God speaking to me thru His Word during my quiet times.
Keep on praying. I have another full week ahead before I plan to spend a week in Tamale. So thankful again for this time and your prayers. I sensed progress...just a little, but still! Biella, biella (Small, small) is better than nothing.
Fire at the shop -
Love you.