God really outdid Himself. Or is that just normal Him-being-God? I went from a “I wonder what God is doing?” to ending up in Ghana singing “God is so good”.
It was the evening of the day I wrote my last blog, January 17th. I was ready to fly on the 19th. I got a call that night from a nurse telling me I am positive for COVID-19. I listened quietly, holding back sobs, and asked her when I could retest again since I am asymptomatic. She said in 10 days. I hung up. I balled. My family was just as shocked as me. But we sat, we trusted in God’s knowing more than us, and we rolled out the next 10 days. I think we all enjoyed that extra time. I had nothing to do. I had no place to go. My family all had COVID already, so they were not concerned about getting it. We played games and I read books and I cooked and relaxed. It was a blessing.
So, then January 28th came around to get tested again. My amazing parents took me, and we waited. I had a travel agent on standby. I had my last suitcase just waiting to be filled with last minute toiletries and such. AND…they emailed me early on the 29th that I was negative. YEEE HA! So, I had time call the travel agent and I got a seat on a flight for the 30th. I filled out paperwork that would be needed for a COVID test at Accra airport. I took an online health screening test provided by Ghana. We left at 6.30am for Minneapolis and the Delta attendant was very kind. All papers, visa, tests were accepted. The man next to me was being told he had the wrong COVID test and could not fly! How terrible! I got to JFK airport and had a long layover, but I didn’t care—I was going!! The flights had seats empty next to me so I was able to stretch out. I arrived in Accra the afternoon of the 31st and went thru all the lines and my rapid COVID test came back negative. I had people waiting for me. And here I am now, at our SIM Guesthouse, in isolation, for a week. I will then take another test, which will hopefully be negative, and then I am FREEEEEEE!!
Other missionaries have cooked food for me since I cannot go out. Some have asked if there is anything I need and went shopping for me. Some other missionaries traveled with a truck up north and I was able to hand off most of my suitcases, now I do not have to worry about them. My phone number is connected and I can call people. I have all I need. I am so thankful. I am so so very thankful.
Love you. Thanks for praying.
This is the cute lil’ back apartment I am staying in for quarantine at the SIM Guesthouse. We call it the back flat. No one else stays here. Other guests stay in the main house which is about 25 feet away from me. Both buildings are within a compound with a wall and gate. I cannot go out past the gate. But I can walk around the compound with a mask.